we are destination
We advise the companies of the MICE market to find the location that best suits your event. If your event is for a product presentation we have located your space. If what you need is a gala dinner, everything is studied for you. If it is for an incentive, do not hesitate to give you the best option. We have your space.
We specialize in Valencia and we know every corner of the city and its surroundings. We have been working in this sector for more than 15 years and we are in contact with many companies and agencies that already trust us.
We are direct and effective professionals, and since time is the most important factor in event projects, we know how to act so that you don’t have problems at any time.
STEP 1. Contact us and we will refer you to one of our executives
STEP 2. We respond to your request quickly less than 24 hours
STEP 3. We make a venues dossier that best fit your event project
STEP 4. We accompany you on your on-site inspection visit
STEP 5. We will be at your side during the operation for direct communication with the owners of the venue, before during and after the event, taking care of the permits with the public entities, the appointments with the owners or the different chapters related to production.